Austria and the European integration process

The signing of the free trade agreements of 22 July 1972

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Fritz Bock, Austria’s Community policy (11 February 1972)

In February 1972, in an article for the magazine Berichte und Informationen, Fritz Bock, former Austrian Vice-Chancellor, outlines the special position of Austria arising from its participation in EFTA and its efforts to secure accession to the European Communities. It deplores, in particular, the fact that Austria did not accept the bilateral interim agreement with the European Economic Community (EEC) and that the country must now try to reach an overall agreement, along with the other two neutral countries, Sweden and Switzerland, with the EEC.

Cartoon by Ironimus on the relationship between Austria and the European Communities (26 February 1972)

‘Can you hear my secret calling?’ On 26 February 1972, the Austrian cartoonist, Ironimus, portrays the efforts made by the Austrian Chancellor, Bruno Kreisky, to negotiate a trade agreement between Austria and the European Economic Community (EEC).

Agreement between the Member States of the ECSC, the ECSC and Austria (Brussels, 22 July 1972)

On 22 July 1972, in Brussels, the representatives of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and those of the Republic of Austria sign an agreement which provides, in particular, for a dismantling of tariffs for coal and steel products identical to that provided for industrial products in the Treaties of Accession to the European Communities of Denmark, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom.

Agreement between the European Economic Community and Austria (Brussels, 22 July 1972)

On 22 July 1972, in Brussels, the European Economic Community (EEC) and Austria sign an agreement which concerns, in particular, the development of their economic relations on the basis of the gradual removal of obstacles to trade.

The signing of the free trade agreements (Brussels, 22 July 1972)

On 22 July 1972, the Austrian cinema newsreel reports on the signing, the same day at the Egmont Palace in Brussels, of the free trade agreements between Austria and the European Economic Community (EEC) by Bruno Kreisky, Austrian Federal Chancellor, and Josef Staribacher, Austrian Trade Minister.

The front page of the Arbeiter-Zeitung on the agreement between the EEC and Austria (23 July 1972)

On 23 July 1972, the Vienna-based Socialist daily newspaper Arbeiter-Zeitung leads with the signing, the previous day, in Brussels, of the Free Trade Agreement between Austria and the European Economic Community (EEC).

‘Victory for reality’ from the Arbeiter-Zeitung (23 July 1972)

On 23 July 1972, the Vienna-based daily newspaper Arbeiter-Zeitung welcomes the signing, the previous day, in Brussels, of the Free Trade Agreement between Austria and the European Economic Community (EEC) but deplores the fact that economic reality is gradually taking the place of the pacifist ideals of a united Europe.

Address given by Bruno Kreisky to the National Council on the signing of the agreements with the EEC and the ECSC (Vienna, 25 July 1972)

On 25 July 1972, three days after the signing, in Brussels, of the tariff agreements between Austria and the Member States of the European Communities, the Austrian Chancellor, Bruno Kreisky, outlines to the National Council the long road travelled by the country on the way towards European integration.

Address given by Josef Staribacher to the National Council on the signing of the agreements with the EEC and the ECSC (Vienna, 25 July 1972)

On 25 July 1972, three days after the signing, in Brussels, of the tariff agreements between Austria and the Member States of the European Communities, Josef Staribacher, Austrian Minister for Trade and Industry, emphasises to the National Council the economic advantages of these agreements for Austria.

Fritz Bock, Integration (28 July 1972)

On 28 July 1972, commenting on the signing, on 22 July, in Brussels, of the Association Agreement between Austria and the European Economic Community (EEC), Fritz Bock, former Austrian Trade Minister, gives an account of the diplomatic results secured by his country over the last 16 years since the signing of the Austrian State Treaty in May 1955.

Cartoon on the signing of the Free Trade Agreements between Austria and the EEC (23 July 1972)

‘The quantum leap: “My, it’s hot! . Just need to jump in . (Keep Off) Oh, dear … full membership is no good … (Keep Off) … Association is no good either … but the Free Trade Area is okay … now all I hope is … that I can swim!”’ On 23 July 1972, following the signing of the Free Trade Agreements between Austria and the European Economic Community (EEC), the Austrian Socialist daily newspaper Arbeiter-Zeitung portrays the long road travelled by the country with a view to its possible accession to the European Communities.

Bruno Kreisky, An Austrian’s observations on European integration (3 September 1972)

On 3 September 1972, two months after the signing of the Free Trade Agreements between Austria and the European Economic Community (EEC), the Austrian Chancellor, Bruno Kreisky, outlines the special position occupied by Austria as regards European integration and gives his impressions of the role and responsibilities of Community Europe in the world.

Poster by the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) on the free trade agreements between Austria and the EEC (September 1972)

Poster published in September 1972 by the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) to promote the benefits of the free trade agreements between Austria and the European Economic Community signed in Brussels on 22 July 1972.