The Handbook of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems establishes an authoritative reference of DDDAS, pioneered by Dr. Darema and the co-authors for researchers and practitioners developing DDDAS technologies. Beginning with general concepts and history of the paradigm, the text provides 32 chapters by leading experts in10 application areas to enable an accurate understanding, analysis, and control of complex systems; be they natural, engineered, or societal:Earth and Space Data Assimilation Aircraft Systems Processing Structures Health Monitoring Biological Data Assessment Object and Activity Tracking Embedded Control and Coordination Energy-Aware Optimization Image and Video Computing Security and Policy Coding Systems Design The authors explain how DDDAS unifies the computational and instrumentation aspects of an application system, extends the notion of Smart Computing to span from the high-end to the real-time data acquisition and control, and manages Big Data exploitation with high-dimensional model coordination.
Lyons E, Saplakoglu H, Zink M, Thareja K, Mandal A, Qu C, Wang S, Calyam P, Papadimitriou G, Tanaka R and Deelman E FlyNet Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, (1-10)
Bhattacharyya S and Wolf M (2020). Research Challenges for Heterogeneous Cyberphysical System Design, Computer , 53 :7 , (71-75), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2020 .
Laplante P (2020). Contactless U: Higher Education in the Postcoronavirus World, Computer , 53 :7 , (76-79), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2020 .
Voas J (2020). The "Patching" Mentality, Computer , 53 :7 , (12-13), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2020 .
(2020). Computer Highlights Society Magazines, Computer , 53 :7 , (4-6), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2020 .
Qu Y, Liu X, Yan J and Jin D Dynamic Data-Driven Self-healing Application for Phasor Measurement Unit Networks Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems, (85-92)
Darville J and Celik N Microgrid Operational Planning Using Deviation Clustering Within a DDDAS Framework Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems, (77-84)
Trautner M, Margolis G and Ravela S Informative Ensemble Kalman Learning for Neural Structure Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems, (191-199)
Quinonez R, Salazar L, Giraldo J and Cardenas A Dynamic Sensor Processing for Securing Unmanned Vehicles Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems, (253-261)
Li X, Miller D, Xiang Z and Kesidis G A Scalable Mixture Model Based Defense Against Data Poisoning Attacks on Classifiers Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems, (262-273)
Salinger S, Kapteyn M, Kays C, Pretorius J and Willcox K A Hardware Testbed for Dynamic Data-Driven Aerospace Digital Twins Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems, (37-45)
Fujimoto R, Barjis J, Blasch E, Cai W, Jin D, Lee S and Son Y Dynamic data driven application systems Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference, (664-678)
Blasch E DDDAS advantages from high-dimensional simulation Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference, (1418-1429)