West Africa
EU trade relations with West Africa. Facts, figures and latest developments.
- African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP)
- West Africa
- Economic Partnerships
- Negotiations and agreements
- Trade policy
The EU has initialled an Economic Partnership Agreement with 16 West African states; the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU).
- The text of the agreement
- The West Africa EPA: Current figures and its potential
Until the adoption of the full regional EPA with West Africa, 'stepping stone' Economic Partnership Agreements with Ivory Coast and Ghana entered into provisional application on 3 September 2016 and 15 December 2016 respectively.
- The text of the stepping stone agreements with Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana
- The stepping stone EPA with Ghana
- Updated Ghana Market Access Offer for products originating in the EU
- The stepping stone EPA with Ivory Coast
- Updated Ivory Coast Market Access Offer for products originating in the EU
- Impact Study of the interim EPAs with Ivory Coast and Ghana on regional trade in West Africa
- EU-Ivory Coast Interim EPA - First joint monitoring report
- EU-Ivory Coast Interim EPA - Second joint monitoring report
Trade picture
- West Africa is the EU's largest trading partner in sub-Saharan Africa. The EU is West Africa's biggest trading partner.
- The EU is the main export market for West African transformed products (fisheries, agribusiness, textiles, etc.).
- West Africa's exports to the EU consist mainly of fuels and food products.
- West Africa's imports from the EU consist of fuels, food products, machinery, and chemicals and pharmaceutical products.
- EU-West Africa trade in services is expanding, covering notably transportation and logistics, travel, and business services.
- West Africa is the most important investment destination for the EU in Africa.
The EU and West Africa
The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with West Africa covers goods and development cooperation. The EPA also includes the possibility to hold further negotiations on sustainable development, services, investment and other trade-related issues in the future.
- help West Africa to integrate better into the global trading system and will support investment and economic growth in the region;
- increase West African exports to the EU, and;
- stimulate investment and contribute to developing productive capacity, with a positive effect on employment.
Both parties have started to design together a monitoring mechanism for the implementation of the EPA.
All the countries in West Africa are members of the WTO.
Committees and Dialogues
The EU and West Africa meet regularly to discuss issues and best practices and oversee the proper functioning of the agreement.
Trading with West Africa
- Importing into the EU from West Africa
- EU trade defence measures on imports from West Africa
- Trade defence measures in force in West Africa
- the EU provides aid through development cooperation (see The EU-West Africa trade and development: a partnership that counts).
- The EU also provides specific aid for trade in West Africa.