BC Human Rights Tribunal

To find a BC Human Rights Tribunal decision, you can:
To see if a decision has been reviewed by the courts, see Judicial Review of Decisions.
For information about the importance of decisions see Case Law.
Note: Most documents on this website have been converted to PDF. You will require the free Adobe Reader to view. Any errors in these decisions will be corrected as identified.
Decisions released in the last 30 days
Decisions indexed by year
The official version of the BC Human Rights Tribunal decision is the signed original in the Tribunal’s files. If there is a discrepancy between a decision on our website and the official version, the official version is authoritative.
You can get a copy of a decision made before 1997 from a courthouse library or by contacting us.
Decisions by year:
- Legislation
- Human Rights Code
- Administrative Tribunals Act
Rules of practice and procedure
Practice directions
- Practice directions
- Complaints on behalf of another person
- Application to dismiss a complaint against individual respondents
- Page restrictions on application to dismiss a complaint
- Legal authorities
- Application of January 15, 2016, Rules of practice and procedure
- Hearing recordings and transcripts
- Application of July 15, 2014, Rules of practice and procedure
Public hearings
Leading cases
- Leading cases
- Test for discrimination
- Employment
- Tenancy
- Services customarily available to the public
- Unions or occupational associations
- Publications
- Protected characteristics
- Retaliation
- No arguable contravention of the Code
- Dismissing a complaint for no reasonable prospect of success
- Complaint made in bad faith or for improper purposes
- Substance of the complaint appropriately dealt with in other proceeding
- Costs for improper conduct
- Policies
- Accommodation policy
- Complaint process privacy policy
- Complainant’s duty to communicate with the Tribunal
- Complaints on behalf of another person
- Freedom of Information Request Policy
- Mediation policy
- Policy respecting mediation with presiding member
- Public access & media policy
Information & guides
- Information and guides
- Information in Chinese
- Information in Punjabi
- Dismissal applications
- General application
- Guides
- BC Human Rights Code and Tribunal
- Settlement meeting
- Getting ready for a hearing
- Self represented
- Online hearings
- Human rights
- Making a complaint
- Complaint process
- Communication to other participants
- Settlement meetings mediation
- Role of the Tribunal and who can help