Patricia M. Volp, Dean of Students,
Nancy Everson, Assistant Dean of Students and Academic Support Services,
Mark Sikes, Associate Dean of Students and Director of Orientation,
Lisa Colligan, Director of Disability Services and Assistant Dean of Students,
Dave Gilbert, Associate Dean of Students and Director of Student Conduct,
Ben Boone, Assistant to the Dean of Students and Transfer Student Support Services,
Donna Haygood-Jackson, Senior Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Health Education,
Sarah Menefee, Health Educator,
Trisha Hunsaker, Sexual Assault Educator,
The Office of the Dean of Students is here to assist and support students in achieving their academic and personal goals. They are here to answer questions, to help resolve issues or concerns, and to refer students to the appropriate College or community resources.
The staff members of the Office of the Dean of Students provide a variety of programs and services for undergraduate and graduate students. These include new student orientation, academic support services and study skills education, student contact services, services for students with disabilities, and other personal success programs, services, and resources.
The Office promotes appropriate standards of conduct for the College community as reflected in the Honor and Conduct Codes. Staff members are available to discuss the community’s standards, the systems by which they are maintained, or concerns related to the conduct of students or student groups. Any member of the community may submit reports about student conduct to this office. Leadership opportunities exist for students who wish to serve the William & Mary community as members of the Student Conduct and Honor Graduate School of Business Councils.
Students who wish to acquire, or improve, strategic learning or time management techniques may benefit from an appointment with a staff member to explore academic enhancement skills on an individual basis. Student groups may schedule a strategic learning or time management workshop to learn skill enhancing tips in a group setting. Students may call the Dean of Students Office to schedule an appointment or workshop.
Students who wish to discuss disability-related issues or services may meet individually with a staff member. Our staff members assist qualified individuals with counseling and other referral services, work closely with College departments and individual faculty to identify appropriate accommodation options, and act as a liaison to other community, state, and federal resources.
Students with documentation of disability are eligible for reasonable and appropriate commodations such as textbook recording services, additional time on tests, peer note takers, adaptive technology, and sign language interpretation. Students requesting accommodation should provide supporting documentation well in advance to allow for adequate planning. All documentation and recommendations from outside experts will be reviewed to determine eligibility.
The Office of Health Education (OHE) is committed to enhancing the overall health and wellness of the William & Mary Tribe by helping students make the healthiest and safest choices during their time here. The OHE focuses on prevention of issues concerning alcohol, mental health, sexual health and sexual assault and dating violence. Students concerned about any health issue or how to help a friend with one, can contact OHE staff at or 221-2198.
Staff members are available to consult with students who are experiencing unexpected or difficult circumstances, such as class absences resulting from illness or personal emergency. If a student has questions about an academic regulation, a deadline or a procedure, he or she may make an appointment to talk with one of our staff members. In addition, staff members are available to work with graduate students who may need to take medical withdrawals and/or leaves of absence.
Center for Student Diversity
Room 157 - 158, Campus Center
Vernon Hurte, Director – 757-221-2301
Margie Cook, Assistant Director – 757-221-2155
Jacqueline Griffin-Allmond, Office Manager, 757-221-2300
Ashley Heilprin, Graduate Assistant, 757-221-1588
The Center for Student Diversity (CSD) strives to foster inclusion, collaboration, and relationship-building within our campus community. The Center provides academic, social, and transition support for underserved and underrepresented students, including students of color, LGBTQ students, and students from diverse religious backgrounds. The CSD also promotes exchange and dialogue between individuals of diverse backgrounds and identities. We also serve as an information center, providing training and resources to the campus and local Williamsburg community regarding multicultural and diversity topics. Throughout the year, the Center sponsors campus-wide dialogues, speakers, performances, and other programs that highlight diverse perspectives. The Staff in the Center for Student Diversity also serves as the administrative liaison to numerous student organizations.
200 South Boundary Street
Telephone: 757-221-3590
Fax 757-221-3597
Stephen Sechrist, Director, Office of International Students, Scholars, and Programs (Faculty, scholar, and student visas; state and federal agencies)
Eva Wong, International Student and Scholar Advisor (First point-of-contact for international students; handles all aspects of immigration, travel documents, helping students adjust to life in the U.S. and W&M)
Emily Hogge, Study Abroad/ISSP Programs and Services Assistant (Basic immigration advising, paperwork, official letters, I-20s)
Bronwen Watts, Coordinator, Global Friends Program Wendy Couch, Graduate Assistant (Programming, trips, events)
Founded in 1989, the Wendy and Emery Reves Center serves as the international “hub” of the College of William & Mary supporting international scholarship and research. International Students, Scholars, and Programs (ISSP), housed on the second floor of the Reves Center, provides services to international students and scholars.
Immigration and Visa Services: ISSP provides comprehensive immigration and visa services to the international community at William & Mary. These include immigration/visa advising; issuance of immigration documents (i.e., I-20s and DS-2019s) for international students; authorizing/filing applications for CPT, OPT and AT work authorization; filing applications for H1B status and coordination of permanent residency (greencard) services for international faculty.
Cultural Programming and Education: Beginning with international student orientation each August, ISSP seeks to enhance the cultural education of our international community. This is achieved through a variety of W&M and community programs (e.g., Global Friends Program, The International Spouse Network, etc.), trips to regional areas of interest (Monticello, Virginia Beach, Baltimore), and sponsored events.
Navigating Life in the US: Understanding the practical challenges international students and scholars may face in the U.S., ISSP is a resource for information on SSNs, driver’s licenses, and also serves as an advocate for their needs and concerns.
Room 240, Blow Memorial Hall
Hours: 8:00 am-12:00 noon and 1:00-5:00 pm Monday through Friday
General Office Telephone: 757-221-3620
Crisis Intervention Counselors: 757-221-4596, or through Campus Police at 911
Warrenetta C. Mann, Psy.D., Director,
Carina Sudarsky-Gleiser, Ph.D., Assistant Director,
The Counseling Center offers a wide range of psychological and counseling services free of charge to enrolled students seeking assistance with personal concerns, interpersonal issues or crisis intervention. Staff members are available to discuss a student’s concerns and work with that student to develop new ways to resolve the problem or manage the concern. Students are initially seen by an individual counselor, and continuing services, if needed, may be offered in the form of individual, couples, or group meetings, depending on staff availability and a student’s needs. Psychiatric consultation can be arranged if needed. The Counseling Center staff includes both male and female mental health professionals. All are trained and experienced in dealing with the problems of college students.
Counseling is confidential. Because therapy is most effective when a student can be direct and honest with a counselor without fearing personal information will be inappropriately shared, information about a student is not released without that student’s written permission, except in cases required by law. Notations of counseling are not a part of a student’s college record. Appointments may be made by calling or visiting the Counseling Center in person and will be scheduled as soon after a request as possible, depending on the urgency of the situation and staff time available. Appointments are usually scheduled within a week of the initial request. After an initial evaluation, a student continuing in counseling will be assigned to a counselor. If appropriate, students may be referred to other sources of help after an initial evaluation.
Gooch Drive, south of the Zable Stadium and University Center
Office Telephone – (757) 221-4386, (757) 221-2998
E-mail –
Dr. Virginia Wells, Director
Fall/Spring Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm; Wednesday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (urgent conditions only)
Fall, Spring, Winter Break and Summer Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 7:45 am - 4:00 pm; Wednesday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm; No weekend hours
Mailing address:
The College of William & Mary Student Health Center
#1 Gooch Drive
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185
After Hours Assistance:
Call MyNurse Line @ 1-866-458-4966
The Student Health Center provides high-quality, primary medical care for students who become ill or experience minor emergencies while away from home. The Health Center delivers a wide variety of services, many of which are covered by the Student Health Fee included in the Tuition and General Fee. There is a small copay for office visits, as well a fee for certain services, labs, pharmacy and medical supplies. A list of fees can be found on our website. All matters between a student and the Health Center staff are confidential. Except in the case of life threatening situations, medical emergencies, severe emotional or psychological distress, or when required and/or permitted by law, information will not be released without the student’s written consent.
Medical services are provided for all full-time students and for those graduate students certified by the Dean of their school to be doing the “equivalent of full-time work.” In order to be eligible for medical care, graduate and undergraduate students must have paid a Health Fee for the current semester and met the Health Evaluation Form requirements including a physical examination and submission of an official immunization record.
Our professional staff includes licensed physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, certified lab technologists, a pharmacist, health educators, administrative, business and medical records personnel.
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Jones Hall
Office Telephone – (757) 221-4357 (1-HELP)
The College of William & Mary’s Information Technology department provides a wide range of computing support for students, from connecting personal computers to the campus network, to nearly 300 computers in Public Access Labs across campus. Our staff is available to assist students in person, on the phone, and via email for their technology needs. Students should browse the IT website for tech help and troubleshooting notes. For more information, students may call the support line for personal service at 221-4357 (1-HELP) or email Walk-in support is available in the TSC (Jones Hall, room 7.)
This campus portal provides the College of William & Mary community with access to online services including Banner, Blackboard, web-based email, and campus-wide announcements.
Students log in to myWM using their WMuserid and password. The WMuserid and randomized password will be sent in a secure mailer to Graduate Admission for distribution. Students will need to activate their accounts by visiting this website: and entering their WMuserid and randomized password. They will then follow the instructions for activating their accounts. Changing the temporary, randomized password for an account is a required part of the account activation process. If a student has trouble activating his or her account or logging in, he or she should contact the Technology Support Center at (757) 221-HELP or
Blackboard is a web-based application which allows faculty, if they choose to use it, to post course information on-line for class use. Courses will appear in Blackboard 24 hours after students register in Banner. Students should check Blackboard before classes begin, as syllabi, booklists, and assignments due the first day of classes may be posted therein. Students are expected to arrive at their first class fully prepared.
201 Ukrop Way
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Office telephone – (757) 221-4596
In an emergency dial 911 from any campus phone. A 911 call placed from a cellular phone will put the caller in contact with the Williamsburg Police Department.
Donald Challis, Chief of Police
All William & Mary Police officers are fully sworn law enforcement officers under Virginia law. The department provides the full range of police services, security services, and lost and found at William & Mary. The Department enforces College rules and Virginia law in a manner sensitive to the interests and needs of the College community.
The William & Mary Police Department is also responsible for maintaining the security access to William & Mary buildings through the use of the Student ID card. If a student experiences problems accessing buildings, he or she should contact the Department.
201 Ukrop Way
Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:45 am to 4:30 pm
Enforcement Hours: 24 hours a day
All motor vehicles, including motorcycles and motorbikes, parked on College property must be registered with Parking Services located at 201 Campus Drive. This registration can also be accomplished at the Watermen’s Hall Registration Desk for those individuals at the York River Campus. The operator of each vehicle will be issued an appropriate decal or permit. The purchase of a decal entitles individuals to park only in those areas designated for the respective decal. The purchase of a decal does not guarantee a specific parking space. Decals are effective for the school year which runs from date of issue through August 31 of the following calendar year. Temporary permits are issued as necessary for durations appropriate with their purpose.
Parking Passes are NOT required for parking at the Peninsula Center location in Newport News.
Acceptance of a decal or permit by an individual attests to that person’s complete understanding of the College of William & Mary Motor Vehicle Regulations and his/her responsibility to adhere to those regulations. Additionally, it is a violation to purchase additional decals and distribute these to other individuals.
The Parking Services Office operates an on-campus Motorist Assistance Program (MAP) that provides the following services: jump starts, assistance with keys locked in vehicles, access to an air pump, gas can and transportation to the nearest gas station, if needed. Call 221-4764 and assistance will be provided as soon as possible. This service is available 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Mon - Fri.
Office Telephone – (757) 221-INFO
Dean of University Libraries
The Earl Gregg Swem Library actively participates in the teaching and research missions of The College of William & Mary by providing services, collections, staff, and facilities that enrich and inform the educational experience, and promote a lifelong commitment to learning.
The library fulfills this mission by helping students, faculty, staff, and visitors find information and learn research skills; selecting and acquiring the best resources for the College’s curricular and research needs; and organizing, preserving, and providing access to these resources efficiently and effectively.
Approximately 120 high-end PCs, each loaded with a large suite of productivity applications and specialized course software are located on the first floor. Computers in the adjacent Learning Center classroom are available for use when classes are not scheduled. There are numerous open network ports for laptop connections, and each floor is configured for wireless access. Thirty group rooms are scattered throughout the library for group collaboration and presentation practice. Students, faculty and staff may borrow wireless laptops, Ethernet cables and iPods. The student e-SWAT team answers technology questions, fixes problems, and manages the iPod circulation service on evenings and weekends. Student consultants from the campus Writing Center provide onsite writing consultants.
Swem Library’s collection includes 1,356,481 cataloged volumes; 1,497,290 microforms; 456,369 government publications; 23,341 maps, extensive bound periodical holdings, 19th-21st centuries; 5,561 current periodicals and serials; 32,827 multi-media materials; and 7,485 linear feet of manuscripts and archives. In addition to the main library, Swem Library has separate libraries for Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Music, and Physics.
The library offers many electronic resources, including an online catalog and access to more than 200 databases and over 18, 000 electronic journals. These are available through Swem’s home page For more information, visit the library’s home page or contact the Reference Department at (757) 221-3067 or
Reference librarians, available most hours that the library is open, can help identify library resources that are potentially useful for a particular project, explain the use of specific information tools, assist with searching electronic databases, offer group instruction to classes, and provide general advice on using the library. Contact the Reference Department at (757) 221-3067,, or by visiting the Reference Department’s web page at
Swem Library provides access to federal, state, and international documents and is a depository for publications issued by the United States and Virginia governments. Access to electronic government information on the World Wide Web is provided at For assistance with government information, contact Swem Library’s Reference Department at 221-3067.
The Circulation and Reserves Department helps patrons identify and locate materials in the library; answers questions about library policies, procedures, and equipment; checks out books, video and audio recordings, laptops, iPods, headphones, internet cables, calculators, etc.; and manages course reserves. All of the library’s materials are available for use within the library, and most items can be borrowed for use outside the building. The W&M ID card serves as the library card for students, staff, and faculty. All patrons have access to their library account by visiting and opening “My Account.” For more information, please visit or contact the Circulation and Reserves Department at (757) 221-3072 or
If a book, journal article, or other item is not available at William & Mary, it can usually be borrowed from another library. Request for such materials, may be submitted at Students should allow a minimum of two weeks for an interlibrary loan request to be filled, although most will arrive much sooner. Contact the Interlibrary Loan Department at (757) 221-3089 or
Swem Library’s Media Center production and related services are available to W&M students, staff and faculty. These studios are equipped with a wide array of software and hardware for the creation of multimedia-based projects. With a full-time staff, loanable production equipment, and the Media Studios’ array of industry-standard software, the Media Center is capable of supporting a wide range of multimedia projects from pre-production, production, post-production to digital / analog distribution.
Swem Library’s Special Collections Research Center includes the University Archives, Manuscripts and Rare Books, as well as the Warren E. Burger Collection. The University Archives documents the history of the college from its founding in 1693 to the present through collecting publications, photographs, official records, artifacts, memorabilia, and other materials relating to the College. Manuscripts and Rare Books include books dating back to 1479, eighteenth and nineteenth century Virginia family papers, papers of distinguished alumni and Virginia political leaders, travel accounts, and local history materials. These books and manuscripts can be located through Swem’s online catalog. The Warren E. Burger collection consists of the lifetime professional and personal papers and memorabilia of the late Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, as well as other related acquisitions, collected by the College. NOTE: In accordance with the donor agreement, the Warren E. Burger Papers will be closed to researchers until 2026. For the latest information on Special Collections, please visit
Hours for the library, various departments, and branch libraries are posted at Because these hours may vary, especially during interim periods and holidays, individuals should check the web page or call (757) 221-INFO to confirm hours prior to visiting.
In addition to the main library, Swem Library has separate libraries for Chemistry, Geology, Music, and Physics and a reading room of current journals in Biology.
345 Duke of Gloucester Street
Telephone: 253-4900
E-mail address: or
Located on Merchants Square in Colonial Williamsburg, The College of William & Mary Bookstore, by Barnes & Noble, offers both new and used textbooks, as well as over 125,000 general book titles, school and dorm supplies, and William &Mary clothing and gifts. New and used textbooks can be sold back to the store through the buyback program and the Bookstore is also the source for official class rings, graduation regalia and announcements. Additionally, the Bookstore features a vast selection of magazines and periodicals, a diverse music and DVD section, an extensive children’s department and a cyber-café featuring Starbucks coffee. A variety of author appearances, book signings, children’s occasions and other special events are held throughout the year. The Bookstore accepts cash, personal checks with a valid ID, the William & Mary Express Card. Visa, Master Card,
Discover, American Express and Barnes & Noble gift cards. Students can enjoy a 20% discount on all William & Mary clothing every day with a valid student ID.
ID Office, Campus Center 169
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday through Friday
Office Telephone – (757) 221-2105
The William & Mary student identification card serves as the College’s official form of identification prepared by the ID Office for each student. It provides access to a variety of campus wide services and systems. It serves as the meal plan card, library card, facility access card to residence halls, recreational facilities, the Student Health Center, some academic buildings, campus bus transportation, and access to athletic events. Student ID cards are not transferable and are intended for the sole use of the student to whom it is issued. An ID used by anyone other than its owner may be confiscated and the person using the ID may be subject to disciplinary action. Because cards provide access to secured buildings and financial accounts, lost cards should be reported immediately to the ID Office during business hours, and to Campus Police evenings and weekends. These offices can issue temporary replacement cards at no charge to allow students time to search for misplaced ID’s without losing access to accounts and buildings. This process also ensures that misplaced cards cannot be used by others. Temporary replacement cards must be returned to re-activate a new or found ID card and a $20 charge is assessed for lost or damaged cards and temporary cards not returned. If an ID card has been stolen and a police report has been filed, the replacement charge is $5.00.
ID Office, Campus Center 169
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday through Friday
Office Telephone – (757) 221-2105
Also associated with the William & Mary ID is the The WM Express account. The WM Express account is a debit account linked with the W&M ID. It provides a secure method of handling transactions both on and off campus, without the concerns of carrying cash or change. Once a deposit is made into the WM Express account, it is easy for students to draw upon the funds. The student only needs to present or swipe the William & Mary ID card at locations on and off campus. The card can be used to make purchases at the Bookstore, the Student’s X-Change, the Candy Counter, Dining Services, the Tennis Center, the Student Recreation Center, Swem Library, Telecommunications, Parking Services, vending machines located throughout the campus, laundry machines, copiers, and at multiple locations off campus, which are listed on our website. No cash withdrawals may be made. For the protection of the Express account, vending readers will only display up to $10 of an account balance. Any amount over $10 will not display on readers. Full balances are shown on printed receipts.
The William & Mary Express Account is a debit account linked to every student’s ID card. When deposits are made to the account, students can use their ID cards to purchase a variety of goods and services on campus and off-campus. Deposits to the Express account may be made in person at the ID Office, the Bursars, Parking Services, the Student’s X-Change in the University Center, the Copy Center located on the second floor of Swem Library, and the Value Transfer Station (VTS) located in the main lobby of Swem Library, online at, and via the phone at (757) 221-2105.
There are two printers in on the 1st floor of Miller Hall adjacent to the Graduate Gathering Area, (Room 1035A), two printers in the Business Library on the 2nd floor and two printers in the Business Services Center (Room 0018 in the basement). Included in tuition and fees are 2000 pages printed from these School of Business printers only (printing from printers anywhere else on campus, including SWEM library, the GradPlex and the Law School, will result in a 5¢ per page charge which will show up on the student account and will need to be paid at the end of the semester.) Beyond those 2000 pages, students may purchase more printing by contacting the MBA Program Coordinator.
Students will need to use the William & Mary Express Account to use the copy machine in Miller Hall which is for Business School use only. As with the other copy machines on campus, students will need to put money onto their William & Mary Express Card, which is also their Student ID. Then, they will swipe the card and the cost of the copies will be debited
Telephone codes are required for making off-campus telephone calls from campus phones and for the student fax machine in Miller Hall. Telephone codes may be obtained by visiting Students will need to sign in to this site using their campus-wide ID, and then follow the links to “Authorization Code and Voicemail Information.” Everyone is automatically issued such a code, whether they live in Graduate Student Housing or off-campus. If a student has difficulties with his or her campus log in, he or she should call the Campus IT Help Desk at 221-4357 or visit them in Jones Hall.
212 Campus Center
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
The College of William & Mary offers a limited number of apartment spaces for graduate students in The Lettie Page Whitehead Evans Residences (referred to as the Graduate Complex.) These spaces are single occupancy housing in two, three and four bedroom apartments. Payment arrangements can be made on a per semester or payment plan basis (semester payments can be broken down into four payments per semester.) Students who are engaged in courses or research through the summer may request housing arrangements by completing the online graduate summer housing application. Consideration for graduate housing is contingent on submission of a housing application. Upon acceptance to a graduate program, a student can submit an application on-line.
Housing is offered on a first come first served basis beginning in the month of May until all the allotted spaces for the various graduate schools have been filled. Once a housing assignment has been offered and accepted, a housing agreement will be mailed to the student. This is a legally binding agreement for the full academic year. A Room Reservation Deposit of $200 and a room damage deposit of $75 is required. The room damage deposit will be refunded to the student upon leaving college housing provided there are no damages to the premises and the student’s college account is current. NOTE: Failure to pick up a key will NOT release the student from the signed housing agreement. Students who leave college housing for any reason, but continue to be enrolled, will NOT be eligible for a refund of their rent charge.
The College provides a website for housing listings, roommates, sublets, furniture, carpools, and more. Go to Information may also be available for new graduate students through their departments for housing possibilities including opportunities to share accommodations with other graduate students.
The Recreational Sports program provides a well-balanced group of activities for the entire campus community. With informal recreation, 25 intramural sports, 45 club sports, fitness and wellness programs, and the largest student employment force on campus, Recreational Sports is THE activity hub of the campus, involving more than 80% of students annually.
Adair Gym is open for informal recreation and provides facilities for swimming, badminton, volleyball, and basketball. Recreational swimming is available in its pool. The College provides fourteen tennis courts, jogging trails, and exercise trail and numerous other playing fields.
The Office of Recreational Sports is located in the trailer across the street from the Student recreation Center. The program provides a wide variety of leisure pursuits to all students through intramural, sport club, informational recreation, fitness/wellness and outdoor programs. Facilities include the Recreation Center, Adair Gymnasium, William & Mary Hall, and various other outdoor facilities. Equipment may be checked out with a student ID card. Facilities are open seven days per week during the academic year and often during the break periods. Facility schedules are available at any recreational facility or the Campus Center.
Intramurals are separated into co-educational, men’s and women’s division activities for most activities. Intramural Play is held for each of over 30 sports/ activist during the year, including basketball, volleyball, softball, floor hockey, flag football, soccer, kickball, tennis, racquetball, and several races to name a few. Fitness classes are available for a minimal cost. A few examples of those classes are aerobics, boot camp, yoga, kickboxing, floor/bar. and spinning. We also have 44 sport clubs most of which are available to graduate students. For more information on Recreation please go to our web site at
Cary Field at Zable Stadium (seating capacity 15,000) provides a stadium for intercollegiate football and track. Busch Stadium provides a facility (seating capacity of 2,500) with artificial turf and lights and grass practice field. Soccer, lacrosse, and field hockey teams compete on this facility. The McCormack-Nagelsen Indoor Tennis Center, located beside the School of Law, houses six additional tennis courts. The baseball team uses Plumeri Park (seating capacity 1000), a lighted baseball stadium, for its games. William & Mary Hall has indoor seating capacity for 10,000 for basketball. There are auxiliary areas for aerobic exercise, gymnastics, and adopted sports, plus a modern, fully equipped training room and strength and conditioning center for intercollegiate athletics.
Graduate students who pay the full tuition and general fee are admitted to all athletic contests by presenting their ID cards.
The Flat Hat is a weekly paper published and edited by students. The William & Mary Review, published at least twice a year by a staff of student editors, is the College’s literary publication. The College yearbook, The Colonial Echo, is published annually by a student staff. In addition, there are several other campus publications, including journals and reviews from the School of Law. The financial administration of all student publications is under the jurisdiction of the Publications Council. Student publications are funded primarily by student fees. Graduate students who pay full tuition and general fees may request copies of The William & Mary Review and The Colonial Echo, and may obtain copies of the other publications mentioned above at their appropriate paces of distribution.