Establishment Licences
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Establishment Licence Live Listing
- Drug and health product inspections
- Medical Devices Establishment Licence Listing (MDEL)
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Inspection List
Compliance program bulletins
- Drug Establishment Licensing Bulletins
- Medical devices compliance program bulletins
- Letter to Stakeholders - Responsibilities and Obligations with Respect with the Good Manufacturing Practices
- Notice to Stakeholders - Establishment Licence Application Deadline - February 8, 2014
- Notice to Stakeholders - Good Manufacturing Practices for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients - Implementation Pilot Project for Selected Consumer Health Products
- Notice to Stakeholders - Amended Food and Drugs Regulations for Active Ingredients - Coming into force on November 8, 2013
- Notice to Stakeholders: Foreign Sites - Expiring; Change to Expiry Calculation [2012-08-29]
- Notice: Health Products and Food Branch Inspectorate - Establishment Licensing - Important Upcoming Changes [2011-04-01]
All Canadian drug establishments must hold, since January 1, 1998 an establishment licence to fabricate, package, label, distribute, import, wholesale, or test a drug.